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Good Thursday Night

WEB: Use These Easy Thursday Night Dinner Ideas to Use Up Your Groceries, Reduce Food Waste, and Save Money

Why Thursday Night?

You may think it's odd to highlight a specific day of the week to try a new recipe or dive into meal prep. Well, there's a method to our madness! By Thursday, you've likely got a fridge full of leftovers as well as the odds and ends that never seem to get used before they go bad. Even if you plan your meals out perfectly, there's almost always something leftover.

Instead of turning a blind eye to those forgotten leftovers or letting them go to waste, vow to use up your groceries and clean out the fridge on Thursday nights. Not to mention, doing so will give you a nice clean slate to start the weekend with nothing but fresh groceries to prepare for the days ahead.

Easy Thursday Night Dinner Ideas That Will Put a Smile on Your Face

Creamy Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese

This is the ultimate comfort food meal and a great way to use up extra cheese and bread. Throw the leftover grilled cheese sandwiches inside the soup for an extra burst of savory flavor.

Fried Rice

Fried rice is a great way to use up stale rice and make a hearty meal. You can add pretty much anything you want to fried rice, so this is a good way to clean out your produce drawer and get rid of half-used jars of sauce.

Pasta Salad

Chances are, you have some leftover pasta in your fridge or freezer that needs to be used up. While it's great reheated with sauce, you can also give pasta new life by adding some fresh veggies, cheese, and dressing and repurposing it as a fresh, chilled salad.


Soup is one of the best ways to use up those miscellaneous veggies that are on the brink of spoiling. Make a hearty broth from scratch and throw everything but the kitchen sink into it. The more veggies, the better!

Breakfast for Dinner

Sometimes the best solution is to go completely rogue with your Thursday night dinner and make breakfast for dinner. Use up the dregs of your milk and cereal or make use of the half-eaten jar of pancake mix. No judgment here!


There you have it - a quick list of easy and delicious Thursday night dinner ideas so you can use up your groceries, reduce food waste, and save money. So, the next time Thursday rolls around, don't dread the thought of cooking. Instead, embrace the challenge and see what culinary masterpieces you can create with the ingredients you already have on hand. Your taste buds and your wallet will thank you!
